Hello, I'm Ange
I'm a wife to the most amazing husband who appreciates my need to regularly declutter our home but is sometimes worried that I may ‘accidently’ declutter him. I’m also a mom to two incredible children who have grown up around my desire to keep a simple and organized lifestyle, that they too have learned through my actions how to do the same. In my spare time, I enjoy being active outdoors biking, hiking, gardening, cheering my kids on in their sports and laughing with friends.
I have a background in business, and more specifically in Human Resources and payroll, but my passion has always been decluttering and organizing the spaces around me. I became a Trained Professional Organizer in 2022 and LOVE the decluttering stage the most! I find that most people need to declutter more, not organize more. When you focus on decluttering as your priority, you will find that the secondary part of organizing becomes much easier because you have a manageable number of items to keep organized.
I'm passionate about living my best life full of purpose and intention and hope to help others do the same.
Ange Dewar